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How Gamers Are Becoming

Highly Paid CyberSecurity Experts From Home.

Even with no technical experience and with
no up-front tuition. Don’t pay any tuition
until you land a job in CyberSecurity!
*Space limited to 100 registrants
Will Close Once Limit is Reached
John (1)
Webinar Presented By:
John Souza
What You’ll Learn In This Webinar

What is CyberSecurity?

Simply put, CyberSecurity is the act of protecting valuable or sensitive computer systems. Protecting our data from cyber attackers is of utmost importance to corporations, governments and private citizens!

Why does it

Over the next 5-10 years, Cyber crime is predicted to become one of the world’s greatest threats! International corporations are investing heavily in CyberSecurity and they’re looking at Gamers to fill their positions.

Why gamers though?

Individuals from all walks of life are now successfully entering the CyberSecurity space. Many Gamers are bringing their related skills into the field, now is the time to take advantage of this!

Just A Few Of The Many Occupations Available:

Entry Level

$73,953 / Year

* Indeed


$94,168 / Year

* Glassdoor


$61,932 / Year

* Glassdoor

Did You Know?

$6+ Trillion
by 2021
Cost of Cybercrime
to businesses
of enterprise businesses
experienced some sort
of Cyberattack
Cybersecurity Jobs
currently unfilled
in U.S.
37% from
Projected Job Growth
for CyberSecurity

About The Presenter

As the founder of Kingsland University, John Souza has
set the world-standard in the emerging and
disruptive technologies education space
and has
successfully delivered global award-winning
education programs to some of the world’s most
respected companies, universities, government
agencies, and not-for-profits, amassing over
150,000 students worldwide.

We are limited to 100 webinar attendees.

Once the seats are gone, registration will close.

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