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5 Ways Cryptocurrencies Will Drive the Future of Money

Whether you’re deep into token sales and monitor your bitcoin valuation on an hourly basis, or you’re a crypto naysayer who looks on ICOs as …


Blockchain Jobs on the Rise — Just ask the patent office!

Is blockchain really going to take off? If you have to ask yourself this, then you haven’t been keeping tabs on the market. While crypto …

What is dApp?

What is dApp?

One of the most exciting applications of blockchain technology is the ability to use a decentralized application (dApp). They are similar to ordinary apps but …

Blockchain Tools

5 must have tools for blockchain developers

Every blockchain developer has their own favorite tools helping them to experiment and create projects. These choices depend on the current network and programmer’s specialization, …

Functional programming vs object-oriented for blockchain

Functional vs object-oriented programming for blockchain

Functional programming is not a new idea, even though its popularity is a relatively recent phenomenon: the groundwork for many of the existing FP languages …

Bitcoin Script 101

Bitcoin Script 101

The term “smart contract” was coined by Nick Szabo in 1994, and they were made popular with the introduction of Ethereum in 2015, but many …


A Deep Dive into Cryptographic Hash Functions

Introduction The aim of this article is to reveal the real nature of a cryptographic primitive called a Cryptographic Hash Function. Since the topic itself …


What makes cryptocurrencies different from fiat currencies?

You may have heard about cryptocurrencies before but still don’t understand how they compare to the fiat currencies that you hold in your wallet or bank account. Someone may have bored you to tears about the technical details behind cryptocurrencies when you were actually more interested in what makes it so different from regular money, or as I’ll refer to in this article, fiat currencies.